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About Dedicated Server?

Dedicated server is a single computer within a network that is reserved for a specific purpose. For instance, some networks involve one computer to be set aside for all other machines to handle communications. 

Nevertheless, not all servers are dedicated. A computer can function as a server and execute other tasks in some networks as well. The user rents the server, software and an Internet connection from the Web host.

According to Computer Host, dedicated server means that a server that is hosted by a company and only allows one company to lease and access. It is “dedicate” to the one client and any other clients cannot share it. It usually allow the client  to install any operating system and type of hardware on it. In some cases, as an add-on service, the hosting company will provide administration services for the client, freeing the client from having to worry about it.

In most cases, the hosting company performs all or most of the maintenance on the dedicated server. This includes:

  • operating system updates
  • updates to any installed applications
  • monitoring of the server and applications
  • firewall maintenance
  • intrusion detection and prevention
  • data backups
  • disaster recovery

The hosting company also uses strict security measures to safeguard their clients’ data. Clients usually pay a monthly, quarterly, or yearly fee to use a dedicated server, which can save money over hosting, maintaining, and managing their own servers on-site.

There are also many types of dedicated server hosting available and as per client’s requirements, each of it should be setup accordingly.

Basic Dedicated Server Hosting

If a client has outgrown from a shared or reseller or VPS hosting account then normally he requires a dedicated server with his basic requirements. In this case client do not require much RAM, Hard Disk and basic Operating System installed on the dedicated server. Their main aim to upgrade to Dedicated server is to improve the website response time.

High-end Dedicated Server Hosting

This probably is the next stage of a basic dedicated server hosting package where a client is expecting for good performance of the server as he has understood that his requirements are on a rise now which is then followed by a Quad Core Configuration. However, different client’s have different requirements and setup of the dedicated servers as per their selection is important. Infact, at times there are many pre-requisites that a web server hosting company should take care of.

Bandwidth Dedicated Server Hosting

This server is required when a client needs to run live Audio/video streaming website such as you-tube. He will not only need a high-specs server configuration, but also a good amount bandwidth which ranges from basic standard metered bandwidth per month to un-metered bandwidth of 100Mbps or 1Gbps Un-metered Bandwidth because the requirement of Data Transfer is high on these kind of websites and it should be able to download or upload on the server as fast as possible.

Application Dedicated Server Hosting

The servers which is utilized to host Applications are known as Application Dedicated Web Servers. Client can host all kinds of legal applications such as live chat software’s, Flash tutorials, Media file installations etc….

Database Dedicated Server Hosting

Client’s who run Databases such as MySQL or MS SQL on a dedicated server are known as Database Dedicated Server Hosting. To host database server you will require more resources and higher-end server configurations in order to completely manage dedicated servers.

Server Mirroring Dedicated Server Hosting

Many client’s require their data mirrored to another server. This is because they do not like to loose any data at any point of time. Servers are synchronized in order to transfer data from one server to the another. RAID Configurations are setup on the same theme as dedicated Server mirroring. The only main difference is that RAID mirrors / strips on Hard Disks and Server Mirroring is Server concept.