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IEESC Windows VPS Server

IEESC on Windows VPS Server

IEESC stands for Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration introduced by Microsoft in Windows VPS server. It limits the Internet Explorer security settings to reduce the risk of the server getting attacked from the network. Initially, IEESC is set to enable and it causes headaches for windows VPS server hosting.

IEESC is strict in the configuration and normally will affect the normal operation of website browsing by the admin. Mostly, it will block files download, accessing of multimedia, scripting and ActiveX Controls. Only some websites that exist in the trusted zone of Internet Explorer will be allowed to be accessed.

So, some administrators will choose to disable IEESC to allow themselves to work in a better condition. However, this action also arises another problem for the security issue of the server. Admin needs to always be careful when browsing the website or downloading files from the internet as no more security configuration will help to protect the server.

Thus, while using windows virtual server hosting, the admin needs to determine when to enable IEESC and when to disable it because not every admin can be fully careful when IEESC has been disabled.

For more information about VPS Hosting, feel free to check out our Casbay Singapore Website blog and guide.