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What is Industry 4.0? – Super Easy Explanation

Due to the digitization of production, we are in the midst of a major change regarding the way we produce products. This transition is so convincing it is called Industry 4.0 to reflect the fourth phase in manufacturing. From the first industrial revolution (mechanization by water and steam power) to mass production and assembly lines using electricity in the second, the fourth industrial revolution would take what began in the third with the adoption of computers and automation and intensify it with smart and autonomous data-and machine learning systems. 

Although some dismiss Industry 4.0 as merely a marketing mantra, manufacturing shifts are occurring which deserve our attention.

Industry 4.0 optimizes the computerization of Industry 3.0

It was revolutionary as computers were introduce in Industry 3.0, due to the introduction of an entirely new technology. Today, and as Industry 4.0 progresses into the future, machines are link and interacting with each other to ultimately make decisions without human involvement. A convergence of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Networks makes Industry 4.0 and the smart factory possible to become reality. Our factories will become more efficient and productive, and less inefficient as a result of supporting smart machines that keep getting smarter as they gain access to more data. Ultimately, it’s the network of these machines that link digitally to each other and create and share knowledge that results in Industry 4.0’s true power.

Industry 4.0 applications today

While many companies may still question how Industry 4.0 may affect their business or struggle to find the talent or expertise to know how to better adapt it for their particular use cases, several others are currently implementing changes and planning for a future where smart machines are improving their business. Here are just some of the applications:

Detect opportunities

Since connected machines gather a vast volume of data that can inform maintenance, efficiency and other problems, and analyze data to identify trends and insights that would be impossible for humans to do within a reasonable timeframe, Industry 4.0 provides manufacturers with the ability to automate their operations quickly and efficiently by knowing what to do. An African gold mine identified a problem with the oxygen levels during leaching using the sensor data in its equipment. When set, they could increase their yield by 3.7%, which saved them $20 million a year.

Optimize logistics and supply chains

As new information is present, a link supply chain will adapt and manage it. If a shipment is tied up by a weather delay, a linked device will proactively adjust to that fact and change production priorities.

Automated equipment and vehicles

Shipping yards use automate cranes and trucks to streamline operations when shipping containers are release from ships.


Once only feasible for large companies with equally large budgets, robots are now more affordable and available to all types of organizations. By collecting products at a factory to getting them ready for shipping, autonomous robots can help manufacturers quickly and safely. Robots move goods around Amazon warehouses and also cut costs and allow the online retailer to make better use of floor space.

Additive manufacturing (3D printing)

This technique has greatly improve in the last decade and has evolve from being use mainly for prototyping to actual production. Advances in the use of metal additives have opened up a whole variety of manufacturing possibilities.

Internet of Things and the Cloud

The Internet of Things which is characterize by connect devices is a key component of Industry 4.0. This not only supports internal operations, but by using the cloud system where data is store, equipment and operations can streamline by using the expertise of others using the same equipment or allowing smaller companies to use technology that they would not able to use on their own.

While Industry 4.0 is still emerging

We may not have the full picture until we look back 30 years from now. Businesses that embrace the technology are recognizing the promise of Industry 4.0. These same businesses are also grappling with how to update their current workforce to take on new challenges. It made possible by Internet 4.0 and recruit new staff with the right skills.