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Why you need to change to VPS host?

Website is the most popular way to convey information. It is the best way for people to promote their business. The website must be attractive and have good performance to increase the number of visitors. However, some website do not have a good performance based on what host they are using. Most of VPS host give a very good performance to the websites. So, here is the reason why you need to change to VPS host.

Change to VPS host when…

1. Your website start to lagging

The more content or information is added to the website, the speed will be slower eventually. Especially for the websites that rely on database-intensive operations. If it takes so much time to process your website content, then it is time for you to upgrade to VPS host. When the number of visitors increase, then the traffic also increase over time, especially for famous website. That means that some plans will not able to handle that amount of traffic. This is the most suitable time for you to upgrade to VPS hosting.

2. Require more storage

Do you ever getting 503-server error? It is high possibility means that the visitor or user cannot access your services. It also means that your server is lack of memory or storage. Switching to the VPS host is the best choice right now.

3. Increased security defend

It is bad to have your website attacked by irresponsible people. Things can be hard for you. So, you have to rely on the weak security of host that you are using right now, or you need to change to VPS and get your website more secured.

4. Optimize your Operating System (OS)

You will be able to install and modify any software if you have full root access to gain hosting experience. This is the special feature of VPS when you need to install a custom operating system.