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Windows VPS Server OS

4 Factors Why Windows VPS Server Is Better Than Linux VPS?​

When choosing an operating system for a Virtual Private Server (VPS), between Windows and Linux VPS, most people would easily choose Linux VPS over Windows VPS. The reason for this is due to its customizability, open-source, and cheap. However, if that’s the case, then where does Windows VPS Server fits in the market?

From here onwards, we will discuss the factors on when you should pick Windows VPS Server over Linux VPS for your VPS.

1. Newbie-Friendly

If you are new to VPS configuration and lack knowledge about it, without any experienced user to back you up, it’s better to pick Windows over Linux. This is due to the user-friendly user interface and easier to understand compared to a Linux VPS. Aside from that, most people would have more knowledge of Windows OS than Linux OS. Windows VPS can be easily managed due to remote desktop access which is a GUI (Graphical User Interface), whereas, Linux uses a text-based (SSH) Secure Shell Protocol, where it requires users to be more knowledgeable about it.

2. Required Microsoft Exclusive Software

When you know that your business uses a lot of Microsoft exclusive software, such as ASP, MS Access, C#, and others. Despite most commercially available software belonging to Microsoft, a lot of open-source software can still be accessed in Linux VPS. Hence, this is only a factor for when one is aware of how they are going to manage their VPS and if their system requires some specific software that is owned by Microsoft.

3. Security

This factor really depends on how comfortable the user is with each of the security systems as both have their own pros and cons. Windows does have its firewall updated very regularly which is likely stronger than most Linux firewalls. However, it is also a fact that due to the large amount of user base of Windows OS, most cybercriminals would likely target Windows OS. This is usually up to user preference, where if the user trusts an official Windows protection more than any firewall written by professional coders for any Linux OS, then Windows VPS is your choice.

4. Technical Support

In terms of picking the right technical support, this is easily a good reason to pick Windows over Linux. For the explanation, Microsoft is a large corporation and had a large support team where users can inquire them regarding any issues at any time and users will still get a response from Microsoft. In comparison to a Linux OS support team which is only a small group of volunteers, it is very hard for them to answer each and every of the user’s issues.