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buy VPS with Bitcoin

Buy VPS With Bitcoin| 5 Amazing Reasons Buying VPS Servers & Web Hosting with Bitcoin is Better.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralised digital money that was first introduced in January of 2009. It is based on ideas presented in a white paper by Satoshi Nakamoto, a mysterious and pseudonymous figure. 1 The identity of the individual or people behind the technology is still unknown. Bitcoin promises reduced transaction fees than existing online payment methods, and it is run by a decentralised authority, unlike government-issued currencies.

Since the inception of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has dominated the market and is now the most frequently used cryptocurrency on the planet. 

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have become one of the most popular payment methods in the hosting industry. You may acquire our SSD-based VPS from numerous locations around the world using Bitcoin and personalise it to your liking.

There are a number of reasons why buy VPS with bitcoin and buy web hosting with bitcoin rather than standard currency is preferable, and this article will go over five of them.

Bitcoin protects your privacy

Buy VPS with bitcoin or web hosting with bitcoin might be time-consuming. Before you can even consider ordering a server, many suppliers require a credit card, ID verification, physical address, e-mail confirmations, and more. You must also put your trust in them with this knowledge. Then there was cryptocurrency.

When you buy  VPS with bitcoin or a web hosting plan with cryptocurrency, this point of data collecting is automatically removed. The web host is able to authenticate your payments without acquiring your private information (and being liable to store it securely) by using the cryptocurrency blockchain, which is a decentralised unchangeable network. This dramatically reduces your purchase time to near instant.

There is also a significant reduction in the surface area of attack that may be directed at you from a security standpoint. By removing the collection of information, cryptocurrency nearly eliminates vulnerable sites of attack, reducing links to your person. The fewer connections and references you have to your server, the better. Isn’t it true that if a robber wants to rob you, he needs to know where you live?

Bitcoin is 24/7

After hours and on weekends, banks close, putting any money in them on hold until the next business day. This is not an issue with cryptocurrency. In an age when server and web application speed and availability are important, having a payment gateway that never closes, no matter what time of day or year it is, assures you never miss a payment.

You can also pay with numerous cryptocurrency wallets without too much trouble. Have you ever attempted paying for anything or a service with numerous credit cards in the “real world”? If it can be done at all, it is usually a pain.

Bitcoin is globally accepted and easily exchangeable

There are numerous ways to convert your dollars, yen, litecoin, ethereum, or nearly any other digital asset into cryptocurrency and ensure that your vps servers and web hosting services are always fully paid.

Bitcoin makes it easy to track your transaction history

When dealing with subscription-based services or web services in general, many users find it aggravating to have to refer to a previous payment or transaction. You must log in to this and that, search for this and check for that. It’s tedious and infuriating. Cryptocurrency on the other hand, does not have this issue. You don’t even need to log in; simply search any cryptocurrency blockchain explorer for the wallet address you used to pay and view the history. No one is aware that it is your wallet.

This makes paying for services such as web hosting more easier and more structured. You and the host will never disagree on whether a payment was handled, and neither of you will have trouble digging it up in the future.

Buying with bitcoin feels good

It’s much more enjoyable to pay using cryptocurrency. It’s energising, and motivating. Now is the time.

Feel free to check out our cheap VPS hosting plans in Casbay Singapore Website. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.