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dedicated server

How to choose a Dedicated Server? 6 useful ways to choose the most suitable for you!

How to choose a Dedicated Server?

There are 6 things that need to considered when choosing a dedicated server.

1. Requirements for performance

Each business has its own set of server performance needs. These numbers will help you figure out how many servers you will need and what kind of hardware you will require. Will your services use a lot of CPU, memory, or disc space? Knowing this will help you figure out what kind of hardware you will need. The right blend will have a big impact on your server’s performance.

2. Consider the possibility of downtime

One of the most important advantages of a dedicated server is that your resources are not shared with anybody else. And the  disadvantage is that a single server is always a single point of failure. If you may not have the option of expanding in numerous dedicated servers which would reduce potential downtime, you will have to decide how much downtime you are willing to risk.

3. Estimate bandwidth usage

The bandwidth requirements are strongly linked to the predictability of data flow. If you expect to use a lot of bandwidth but have little predictability, you could choose for a dedicated server package that includes a lot of data traffic. This is a simple approach to figure out how much money you will be spending on dedicated server hosting.

4. Test the network quality

The geographical location of your dedicated servers and the network quality of your hosting provider determine network quality. Your dedicated servers’ physical location has a direct impact on your end-users. Data delivery is also influenced by the network quality of the hosting provider.

5. Consider the impact application scalability

It can be challenging to scale some programmes to several devices. It is difficult to ensure that a database is running on numerous servers because it needs to be updated across all of them. Moving the database to a server with more processing power, RAM, and faster storage might be easier. Moving to the cloud could also be a better solution. You can simply clone a server to take a portion of the load and add it to the load balancer in this way, distributing the workload across numerous servers.

6. Choose a hosting provider

During the whole decision process, the proper hosting provider functions as a knowledge partner. They engage the support of their engineers and specialists to answer your inquiries, and they have a large customer base that will gladly supply you with a reference if asked. The hosting company should use their experience and expertise to treat your business as if it were their own, showing passion and loyalty.

Choosing a dedicated server may seem to be a difficult challenge with numerous factors to consider, but it is not really. Define your company’s goals and work with a trustworthy service provider to identify the best solution and position your company for long-term growth and success.

For more information about Windows Dedicated Server, kindly refer to our company website, Casbay Singapore.