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Web Hosting

Web Hosting | 5 Things to Consider Before Signing Up for Web Hosting. | Number 1 Best Explanation

How to choose the right Web Hosting?

1. Storage offered by the web host

This is the amount of storage space you get for your website, often known as web space. When it comes to getting your website up and running, you’ll need web space to store your photographs, emails, and other web files. The amount of storage provided by your web server has an impact on the amount of content you can put on your website as well as its performance.

You’re considering launching a website and realise that the first two things you’ll need are web hosting and a domain name. You understand how to select a domain name. However, you are at a loss when it comes to selecting the best web host!

In this blog article, we’re happy to compile a list that will assist you in selecting the best web host.

TIP: Don’t choose your web host just on the basis of price. Take a look at the value you get (in terms of functionality, support, and so on)!

2. Web host’s uptime

Different web hosts have different functionality, and low-cost hosting may not have all of the capabilities you require. Look for third-party evaluations online to learn more about the features offered by various Web servers.

And how do you determine the uptime of a Web host? According to Hosting Manual, it’s frequently measured in “Nines.” Here’s how they interpret 30 days of downtime:

Two Nines equals seven hours and twelve minutes of downtime.
Three Nines = 43 minutes and 12 seconds, or 99.9%.
Four Nines = four minutes and 19 seconds, therefore 99.99 percent is four minutes and 19 seconds.
Five Nines = 26 seconds, and 99.999 percent equals 99.999 percent.
Six nines equals three seconds in 99.9999 percent of the time.

3. Security strength

A secure Web host is essential, especially if you intend to provide information to both existing and future clients via your website.

The following are some security elements to look for in a Web hosting provider:

Domain Privacy Protection

ID Protection or Domain Protection is another name for WHOIS ID Protection. Owning a domain name shouldn’t mean you have to give up your privacy, and WHOIS Privacy Protection can help you with that. Whois ID Protect is similar to having your phone number “unlisted” in that it stops others from seeing your phone number, email address, physical address, and other personal information. More information about Domain Privacy Protection can be found here.

SSL Certificates

With an SSL Certificate, your website URL will start with “https://” instead of “http://”. In addition, your website visitors/potential customers will notice a green [Secure] word in the website address bar. Basically, SSL certificate can Protect Your Login Details, File Transfer and Your Personal Info.

4. Daily backups

Backup refers to the act of duplicating data in order to have a backup of the information that can be used to recreate content if the original is lost. If you don’t have a backup, it doesn’t matter if it’s your Web host’s or your own fault; once you lose your site’s content, everything is gone!

5. Location

Along with the network connection, the location of your server has a significant impact on the speed of your website and, as a result, how well it will perform with users and search engines.

If you’re targeting a Malaysian audience, for example, a hosting firm with servers in Malaysia will provide you with the fastest website loading speed and is most likely the best option for your organisation. Let’s say the data has to go across the country, which means latency and download speed will be slower than if you were in close proximity to your target market.

Feel free to check out our Casbay Singapore Blog and Guide for more information about web hosting.