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OpenVZ vs Xen vs KVM

OpenVZ vs Xen vs KVM | The Difference in Virtualization Technology Between OpenVZ, Xen and KVM

OpenVZ vs Xen vs KVM

Nowadays, Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a popular option for a lot of companies, businesses and enterprises. Using the power of server virtualization, a physical server can be divided into some virtual divisions that are also known as virtual environments or containers. This technology makes our website like running on a dedicated server that is more private, secure and faster. KVM, OpenVZ and Xen are the three most major types of virtualization technology that are used by most hosting providers.

In this article, we will discuss about the OpenVZ vs Xen vs KVM. Let’s see the difference between them.


Kernel-based Virtual Machine or KVM is a full hardware virtualisation platform that enables a user to run almost any operating system (OS) that is available on the market like Linux, Windows and other custom OS. It supports template-based and ISO installation.

Using KVM, each virtual machine will have its own private virtualised hardware like CPU, graphics adapter, disk and network card. Users are guaranteed that resources will not be oversold or overcommit


OpenVZ or Open Virtuozzo is a virtualization technology that uses containers at the operating system level. It is also considered containerization. It can only run on Linux as it uses a single patched Linux kernel. A physical server can run multiple isolated operating systems that are known as virtual environments (VES), containers or virtual private servers (VPSs). Each of the containers will have individual CPU memory, RAM and others but works a bit different compare to KVM and Xen.

The user will have root access. Users cannot modify or add extra modules to it as OpenVZ uses a shared kernel.  It is very fast, efficient and does not have the overhead of a true hypervisor. But single kernel feature requires all the users to use the same kernel version that the host is using.


Xen is able to support Paravirtualization (PV) and Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM) in the hypervisor. It is able to run multiple virtual machines on a single host because it is a bare-metal hypervisor. Users do not need to run Linux in the VPS as they are not limited to the kernel of the host.

Next, using Xen Virtualization, users are able to host BSD and Windows operating systems easily. Light hypervisors that only have a small footprint help to save the valuable resources that we have. Each user’s resources are fixed to the allocated amount to prevent overcommit.

Feel free to visit Casbay Singapore for more details about VPScontact us any time if you have any questions.