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Differences between Linux VPS and Window VPS

4 Differences Between Linux VPS and Window VPS

A VPS (Virtual Private Server) runs its own copy of an operating system that is installed on a physical computer. The internet hosting service provider sells it as a service to end users and clients to use it. It functions independently of other virtual spaces on the same machine. VPS hosting is the preferred option for people who need more resources and control over their websites. Besides, it is also good for people who want to upgrade from a shared hosting plan. With VPS hosting, the end user can set up their website with either a Windows or a Linux operating system.

Differences between Linux VPS hosting and Window VPS hosting :

1. Performance

Linux VPS Hosting:

Linux consumes fewer resources. When the load is high, it does not require a reboot on a regular basis. Linux is built for use with SSH, and managing a Virtual Private Server is done by typing commands on the command line.

Window VPS Hosting:

Every time a small patch or software update is published, Windows must be restarted. Because it has a graphical user interface, it might be resource intensive if not properly optimized.

2. Security

Linux VPS Hosting:

Because only the administrators have editing and security capabilities, Linux servers are thought to be safer. However, this is more dependent on the configuration and hosting system admiration than the operating system.

Window VPS Hosting:

Windows servers are also secure, but they must be configured properly.

3. Cost

Linux VPS Hosting:

The cost of a Linux VPS is much lower because Linux is an open-source platform for the end user to free to try.

Window VPS Hosting:

Because Windows is a Microsoft-owned proprietary programmed, customers must pay a license fee to buy it, which is also generally included in the Virtual Private Server price. Its cost is higher than the Linux VPS.

4. Compatibility

Linux VPS Hosting:

Open-source software such as PHP/Perl, Java, Python, SSH and FrontPage Extensions run best on Linux.

Window VPS Hosting:

In contrast, Windows is ideal for Windows-specific programmed such as ASP Classic,, MySQL, and MS Access.

You can visit our Casbay Singapore Website for more details about Windows VPS and Linux VPS hosting.